Shipping + Returns

When will my order ship?
Production time varies by edition and the specifics of your order. For example, unframed prints typically ship within 7 business days, while framed prints typically ship within 14 business days. Please note that our business hours are Monday through Friday. Orders are not processed or shipped on Saturday or Sunday.

How will my order be packaged?
Unframed prints will be wrapped in archival wrapping and placed in a shipping tube. Please take extra care when removing your print from the tube and its wrapping. Framed prints will be packed in a box and cushioned for safe shipment.

How much does shipping cost?
Starts at just 6.95 !!

Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we ship internationally via USPS. International orders may be subject to customs duties, which are set by the government of the destination country. These fees will be due upon arrival and are in addition to the cost of artwork and shipping and handling. We cannot discount customs duties or reimburse you for these costs. By selecting UPS Standard as an international shipping method, you may be susceptible to a UPS brokerage fee in addition to customs fees. Brokerage fees are only applicable to international ground shipments. Please visit the UPS website for specific rates.

How do you declare goods for international orders?
Depending on the nature of the piece, we declare all shipments as limited edition artwork or original artwork at the price of the work being shipped. We cannot mark your shipment as a gift.



What is your return policy?
Our general policy is that we do not accept returns, refunds, or exchanges. If your print arrives damaged or flawed, you may be eligible for a replacement or return. All claims on damaged prints must be made within 48 hours of receiving the package by emailing with the issue.

How do I know if I’m eligible for a replacement or return?
Works must be returned in the exact condition in which they were received, in their original packaging and with the accompanying Certificate of Authenticity in order to qualify for a return. If we are able to accept your return, responsible for  the return shipment costs are the responsibility of the customer. No return will be accepted without the Certificate of Authenticity, unless otherwise specified. Please keep in mind that prints may not be replaceable as all of our prints are limited release.