
Megan Stone

Contrasting relationships in the work are invented layer by layer, altered with paint or other various materials, and reference similar relationships found within nature and man-made elements. These irregular and structural forms are chosen for their familiar, yet ambiguous qualities that are playfully manipulated in the studio. There is an urge while making to play matchmaker with the many elements and their ability to be complex and challenging. The work relies on intuitive decisions made with experimental marks to create imagery that exists beyond its origin. 

Megan Stone practices a variety of processes such as photography, printmaking and collage that explore contrasting patterns, forms and textures found within nature to inform her paintings on canvas. Her work is built up through multiple layers of neon colors and playful marks that challenge these invented relationships. She received a BFA in Painting from Grand Valley State University and has 15 original works in their permanent collection. Stone lives and works in Michigan with her husband and schnoodle. 

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